a man in his seventies who makes picnic tables at home
these tables are better than anything
you’d get in the big stores
aaaaaaaahe thinks they’re pieces of crap
I’m not telling a lie, but every time
someone comes to look at my tables
before going to the shops in town,
they always come back
aaaaaaaahe’s proud of his work
I don’t need to advertise,
just word of mouth
aaaaaaaahe’s a great example
I’m having a knee reconstruction
next week, my wrist’s buggered
and the doctor’s just told me
I’ve got shingles
aaaaaaaahe may be dead soon
I used to make four a day,
but I’m down to twenty a month
aaaaaaaahe’s got no regrets
I sell them for not much more
than cost: it’s a hobby really
aaaaaaaahe’s doing something with his life.